Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's all about hope

New year ... why is it that remarkable ?!!! I had a thought today .. that this year called 2009 that all people are judging these days, is just a part of me, a part of my life time in this world, experiences that are gone, and may never come again, but will leave their effects whether consciously or not.
2009 or whatever the name was, is just a grouping for some days in my life. I may choose to go with all people, and make my new start at this day, or just in any other time I would choose.
And most probably, I would choose the day I was born on from every year for that new start and self evaluation.
2009 is not good or bad, same is for: 2010, 2011, 20** ! It's just a part of my journey in this world, carrying a collection of events, fate, successes failures, that will sum up to make the person I am to be by the end of my life.
And by every year I am coming closer to the person I was meant to be in this life.
Just, we're trying to take a happy path, to end a peaceful end.

It's all about hope, hoping that the coming part of our lives are better.
Happy New Portion of Our Lives =)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

حماقة عشرة أعوام

يوم الأحد الماضى كنت فى حى الزمالك أقوم بمشوار ما. كنت ذاهبة مع واحدة من صديقاتى و لكنى كنت عائدة بمفردى إلى مصر الجديدة حبيبتى. كنت فى حالة مزاجية قلما تأتى ... أغلقت زجاج سيارتى الا جزء صغير يسمح بتجديد الهواء و استمريت فى غناء كثير من الأغانى و الاعلانات التى علقت بذهنى من قديم و حديث و سعيد و حزين ... فالمشوار من الزمالك لمصر الجديدة لا يأخذ وقت قصير
و لكن الغريب أن هناك أغنية فكرت بها بطريقة لم تخطر ببالى من قبل و هى أغنية كاظم التى كنت استمع لها و أنا فى الثانوى و هى

إلا أنتى

اشهد الا امرأة أتقنت اللعبة إلا أنتى و احتملت حماقة عشرة أعوام كما احتملتى

و اصطبرت على جنونى مثل ما صبرتى و قلمت أظافرى و رتبت دفاترى

و أدخاتنى روضة الأطفال الا أنتى

يااااااااااااااااه حماقة عشرة أعوام ؟!!!!!!!!! أصلا يا ترى على ماذا تشتمل كلمة حماقة ؟

هل كان يعرف أخريات و يتركها .... و يتذكرها فقط عندما تفشل قصصه هذه ؟

هل كانت أخر اهتماماته بينما كان كل اهتمامتها ؟

هل كان يفعل ذلك عن قصد ام فقط لجهله بمشاعرها ؟

و أخيرا يا ترى ما هو الشىء الذى أفاقه بعد عشرة سنوات ؟

و بالنسبة لها .... من أين اتت بكل هذه القدرة على الاحتمال .... من المؤكد انها كانت تأتيها لحظات من الضعف و اليأس و الاحباط و لكن من المؤكد أيضا ان مشاعرها كانت أكبر و أفوى من ذلك كله... من المؤكد ان كان لديها أمل يكفى العالم أجمع . أو ربما أنها كانت سعيدة بهذه المشاعر الرقيقة التى بداخلها و ترغب فى الاحتفاظ بها لانها جعلتها تكتشف أنها من الممكن ان تعطى كل هذا العطاء

و يا ترى كيف كان شعورها و هى تسمع هذه الكلمات التى فى الأغنية ... هل شعرت بالسعادة ام أن الوقت قد فات ... و لديها الأن حالة من الاستغناء ... أو ربما خشيت على مشاعرها الرقيقة من حماقات أخرى ؟ لا نعلم ... فام يخبرنا كاظم بهذا

وصلت مصر الجديدة و انتهيت من مشوارى ولكن استمر سؤال يروادنى: هل يجب على أحد ان يتحمل حماقة عشرة أعوام حتى يقترب من أحبائه ؟ أم انها سعادة ياهظة الثمن النفسى ؟
!!!وجدتنى بعدها أقول: تعبت و تستاهل

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Known Bugs

It appears that I never learn, or let me be more fair, I haven't succeeded till now to learn certain lessons.

The thing that annoys me the most, is that I can from the very begining detect that I am doing what I've discovered that it didn't work before, and I just keep on going in the same way with even the same steps. May be the only differenece is that I am watching myslef. but still a passive watching as I can't stop myself and redirect to the expected path that I am supposed to be taking.

I can't get that Quote for Einstein out of my mind: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.". YES, that's exactly what I am doing which means.. that I am INSANE.

Will I ever learn these lessons ?!! will I ever be more sain ... when... I hope it won't be too late then... Plus that I am really too tired of these roads that lead to no where. And I am afraid that I lost hope in me ... I'll be that current me ... no progress in certain areas... they appear to be a known bugs for me =(.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I think that I've finally reached that state of indifference that I was seeking from a long time. But have not been persistent on really reaching it.

I've thought about it a lot and took my decision based upon facts and deeds or misdeeds that have been happening during the past period.

I used to be wondering about the reason behind that weird behavior from some person's side and I kept telling myself... OK I dun want us to be as we once used to be ... But at least I need to understand the reason behind that change.
now I dun care... I am only concerned about the results and the weird behavior and that the change has happened already... and I need to deal with it and get over all the questions that were in mind

And from now on I will be the person in control. I dun mean that I'll control anyone, but at least I'll be controlling myself and will not allow anybody to control me and my mood.

I'll not be that reactive person I once used to be. I'll never be upsetted from any misdeed and I'll never expect something good from that person, if we were to know eachothers again in the first place. And if by mistake something good happened I'll never be happy with it.
I'll not let my mood be sitting on a swing that someone else is controlling all the time.

That person has been moved to the indifference zone, that zone that takes no place neither in my heart nor in my mind.
That zone that's only available as long as the circumstances put that person in my way, and will be cleared as long as that person is away.

Exactly like sitting beside someone in the bus, you may never talk , you may just say hello, and even if you talk with that person a friendly talk, you'll forget everything as soon as you reach your station or that person's leaves.

I am really happy of that state... thank god that I've reached it finally.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Need a Vacation

It's not an ordinary vacation that I need. I need a special and different one, I need a vacation from my whole life, and I dun mean to pause on the current status just to take rest. And I dun mean a change. And I dun need all these typicals.
I need to take my mind out of my head... that's the meant vaction, mean while.. life moves on ... towards a better state.
I want to disable ally my feeling and thinking features. all my senses... all these needs a vcation.

Is this is possible...??!!!

I know it's not... but I have faith in (إنَّما أمرُهُ إذا أرادَ شيئًا أن يقولَ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكون)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

miss U dearest

Can't say anything. I feel that I've said all the words before, has been through the same feelings since then, they are not new .. just they are getting stronger and harder and I miss you more dear ...
may God Rest your Soul and peace, and gather us again in Paradise ISA.
Can't end this post.. as I feel that I am with you now while I am sending this post... I feel I am talking to you...
But I dun want to get my feelings out here... that will be so hard... and I know you'll not be happy knowing that I feel these feelings.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

my Dear Blog... I Love U =)

I am here writing this post to you my dear blog. I really Love you, Love how you help me calrify my thoughts and see them infront of me, Love you for bearing my non-sense at times, and above all I love you for being there for me all the time.

I am you and you're me and we're one. My thoughts create your body, and you never forget a single word that I tell you, and Also thank you for devoting yourself to me.

People used to say that a Book is the best friend, but I would like to say that a Blog is even better, as a book is talking all the time like a wise friend that always gives advises, but my blog hears me just as a friend keep listening to whatever I say and never get bored and never stops me, and without it saying a single world I feel better everytime I talk to it.

Thank you my Dearest Blog (L)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

TEN... Part I

There, on a beautiful lake, that has a very clear water, and a very freshening air. Lives Ibrahim's small family the carpenter of the town who's at the age of 38, his wife Sarah who is 27 years old who used that sews clothes to her neighbors , and their daughter Mariam who was at the age of 10.
It was by the end of the spring, and the begining of the summer, when Mariam was playing infront of the house with her bicycle she heard her mum screaming and when she run into the house to see what's up with her mum. She founds her father helping her to get and go to the car.

A couple of days afterwards, returns Ibrahim, Sarah and Mariam with the new family member Adam.
Adam didn't show any special interest to any of his small family members, except for Mariam his sister, ok he calms down and feels safe in his parents arms... but the only one whom Adam follows by his eyes was his elder sister Mariam.
After the first BD to Mariam that Adam celebrated with them. Adam began not to have that special interest in his sister any more.
Adam began not to play with his sister whatever her trials was, only when she nudges him to let him laugh, he laughs but keep wondering around as if trying to find who's playing with him.
His family began to get worried, his mother was sad that her child never notices her, as any child of his age does, and the same for the confused father, and especially after the period he stopped following his sister with her eyes and smiling and waving to her became long.
They began suspecting his vision, and after some investigations, they knew that he can see quite well.
And here their wonder bego grow more and more

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Solitary walk

Gayale ana 7alet ra3'y mesh tabe3ya.. 7assa zay ma yekooN 7ad raKeb radio f dma3'y w 3amla ba2a 7awadeet abla fadeela sha3'ala fou2.. fa 2olt agy aktebha heNa badal ma atGanen ya3ni.. omal el wa7ed 3amel bloG leih ?

by2olek eih ba2a ya setty .. el share3 kan hady keda w gameel.. el wa2t kan ba3d el 3asr b shewya w el bent kanet bet3ady el share3 w ma3aha shanta cross beige keda.. wel share3 kan feih nas rakba 3agal.. wel ard nedeeefa awi,.. w 3allamat el merooor elly fel ard loonha abyad nase3 keda wel air is very fresh... 3adet el bent el share3.. and she had a long walk by the side of the sea.. 3al corniche ya3ni.. w heya mashya ba2a kanet 7atta el mp3 player in her ears and listening to her best songs... the playlist she prepared carefully the night before

she was listening happily and every song in that carefully selected playlist touches a part of her and makes her think about her life. A sad song followed by a happy one followed by one of the best songs she used to listen to when she was a child. All her dear people were invited in her mind in that solitary walk... she remembered those whom life has separated her from them for good.. and a warm tear dropped down on her cold cheeks from the air around... and then her sweet memories made her smile.. and her childish memories remembered her of the child inside her that she never tries to hide because childhood means purity to her.. and that was a great value that she cherishes...she's happy that this part of her was kept safe from the effects of life and people.

She sat down to have a break... and to let her mind be fully dedicated to daydreaming and nothing else. she imagined the call she's always waiting for.. and she imagined every single detail of that converation.. she fiinished the call. and was back on earth... after that mind trip.

Suddenly she realized that it became darker around.. and that night had came.. she looked to her watch.. and remembered her train that is going to leave shortly.
On her way back.. she refused to think about her busy day at work tomorrow... she postponed remembering her never ending to- do lists.. And she just paused her mind on the time she had by the sea...


Fag2a keda 7asset eny 3aYza a7'araf... Gale e7sas 7ad byfou2 mn el beng w lessa 7'areg mn 2ooodet el 3amayat.. although I've never been through it el 7amdu lellah... bas I feel like hallucinating awi... 3ayza a2ool kalam maloosh 3elaka b ba3do.. mesh 3ayza atkalem fe 7aga 3alla ba3daha...
  • YOUh YOUH howa fe 7ad enahrda byfteker ?
  • 7'allas ba2et 3ada ya 7abeeby.. w edala3t b zeyada
  • Suspense
  • close ur eyes, hold ur nose and JUMP
  • eshme3Na ya3ni ?
  • KoLaho baZenJaN
  • nefsy a3raf howa leih maynfa3sh
  • yalla press the button
  • aiwa.. ana 3ayza a3'yar el wad3... I'm willing to be the pioneer... bas ya tarra hab2a mabsoota keda???
  • 3aYza afhaM...
  • Kan fe ZamaN walad rasSam... bas howa meen elly 2al 3alleih rasaM.. el nas elly shafet el rasma?!.. may be howa 2a3ad yekno3hom en rasmo 7elw.. w howa rasmo 3ady asLaN
  • ana ektashaft en 7atta law 2omnyet 7ayaty et7a2a3et w even once in a life time I could read somebody's mind.. once mesh hateb2a kefaya.. 3ashan kol shewya ha2ool.. ma momken tekoon fe 7aga 7assalet wel ra2y da et3'ayar
  • wel 3aTaba gaZaZ wel Selem naYlOo fe naylooo
  • el wDooOo7.. please
  • 3'aLta maTba3ya
  • ma3Rafsh ana Bona2aN 3alla eih
  • amma neshouf
  • 7aSby ALLAH w ne3m el wakeeL
  • Ana 3aYza aSafer.. 3aYza ashouf el ba7r... nefsy akalemo keda..
  • taDooOk sa3at Zabt el wakt
  • eih da.. ezZai keda ?
  • 3ayZa anZel amshi 7awaleen Sooor el koleya el 7arbya
  • leih la2a ?
  • Sponteneous.. Fresh.. Free.. monta3eesha.. el donya sob7.. w batmasha
  • shewayet self control w kolo hayeb2a fel tamaM.. bas ya3ni howa eih el limit... ya3ni ma howa ana law kol 7aga 7atetlaha rules w plan w keda hat2eleb l machine.. hab2a sab3awy tamaNyawy taha
  • ma heya kol 7aga leeha mezetha w 3eeBha
  • Today we'll opem cafe cheenOoOo
  • 3ayZa atfasa7 ba2a .. wa atbest fel fos7a deih..
  • BoDO BoDo wa7ashNy awi.. 3ayZa al3ab ma3ah w ashoufu ba2a
  • RanDomiZe
  • yeMken eZ3al marra menaK .. laKen ew3a tfaKer enaK.. mn ...
  • 3ayZa a2oool. eno el nas el open minded deih nas meya meya .. bas ta3baneen leih ba2a ? 3ashan homma by7taremo w bysma3o weghet nazar el nas el tanya w byfakarOoO feiha.. da gaz2hOom ya3ni ?
  • mesh hageeb ana kotob human developement tany 3alla fekra.. kolohom by2olo nafs el kalam bas from different prespectives..
  • 3aM chaK cHak...w bOogy w taMtaM fe RamadaN.. walla el niNja Turtles a7la.. "Haya ya RefaK"
  • kona wa2feeen ba2a fe el balakooOna ana w amira beleil fel aGaZa
  • KathOra el 7adeeThoOo mn elaTy ahwaha
  • AftOkaLayZa
  • Kanet 7elwa awi el marra deih,... 3'eir kol el marat......el marat el tanya

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Childish memories =)

I've been thinking about what the games that I used to play when I was young...and I found that they weren't little, here's what I remember of my list:

  1. Tika 3al 3alli w tikka 3al waty
  2. Black shoes
  3. 2ooola
  4. 7'atooWet el arNab wel Namla wel 7aGat deih
  5. un deux troies soliel
  6. el baraya
  7. autobus complete
  8. Bingo
  9. sayaDeeN el samaK
  10. eL kalB el 7ayraN
  11. AflaM/ BdoooN kalaM
  12. KahraBa
  13. Osto3'maya
  14. taMaseel esKenDrya
  15. RoSiee RoSaaH (I am not sure of the spelling)
  16. el ta3laB fat
  17. el ManDeeeL
  18. el 2ota el 3aMya
  19. el Ouda el Dalma/ el 3aFareeet (H)
  20. TaC taC meeN 3aL baB... ana el deeB.. 3ayeZ eih... 3aYez beeeDa... Lonha eih .............
  21. HolaHob
  22. chess
  23. cards (kent, sando2, kooomy, koNkaN, el shayeeb)
  24. DomaNo
  25. connect 4
  26. Nat el 7aBl

da 3'eir el le3ab elly malhash esm ba2a:

- ta2leeef ay 7aga w tamseelha

- ne7ot ana w bent 7'alty el telephone 3al maktab w karasy w akeenena a secretary

- many paper games


- Drawing with clay on on a white cement (maseees)

- using monshar arket ... to make disney shape medals

mesh 3arfa eih monasbet el 7agat deih.. bas ana fre7t enohom gom 3alla balee...

da 3'eir maged w fedoooly w moooza el 7abooba...

mickey, super mickey and mickey geeeb

w el maktaba el 7'adraa2

Flash w farafeeesh

w lamma kebert shewaya... ragol el mosta7eel w malaf el mosta2baL... I love these days awiii

and I just became in a good mood while recalling them =)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Process has UNEXPECTDLY been terminated

That's exactly what had happened, and I dun know if I've done anything wrong or if I've violated any of the rules.
It kept fading and coming back, just like a fluorescent lamp that is trying to light but it can't and suddenly everything has been gone in the darkness.
And what's puzzling me really, is that this process is still on the top of the list of the processes that are utilizing most of the memory.I can't kill it without knowing why it stopped responding, I hate ambiguities and I can't kill it while I dun know why it behaved that way.

But on the other hand... is it logical to keep it alive, and waste these memory resources?!!
Or to keep it not responding, may be it's doing something in the background that I am not aware of, and after being busy doing that job, it will resume responding to the users requests.
I am really thinking about the right decision in that issue. What is the best practice in that problem.
I wish I knew the answer

Process has UNEXPECTDLY been terminated

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Change the Channel - Honest and kind people are around

Today, I was talking with some of my friends, and the conversation went to a point when I recalled some experiences that I went through, and the same behavior was in all the people that was in these experiences , and who made it a special thing to remember.

First thing, is that once it was in the feast, and I went with my family to magic land at sixth of october, and a back bag was with me, and while playing one of the games there, I thought that I left the bag with one of my family members, but she didn't notice, and then I discovered that it's lost, I kept searching every where, asked the security and the care men, but all was in vain, as I didn't find it, and I went home very depressed and kept crying as the bag was very precious to me, it's my mother who bought it to me and that was why it's very precious, not because of what it contained, not becasue it contained a big amount of money as we were in the feast or anything, just because of who'd bought it to me. And the security men gave me their number and asked me to call next day, to check may be it'll be found. And the next day I called but I was very desparate, and I called just to do my part to the end, and to my surprise, I knew that someone found it and left his phone number so that he may be sure that I took it myself, and I was flying from happiness thanks to this honest man I got back my precious bag.

Another thing, is that once I forgot my mobile in a taxi, and simply on calling my number, the driver answered, and he got the mobile back to me at home, and refused to take anything as he considered that his duty, and he only made that so that God may bless him and his children.

Another thing is, from a few months, my uncle passed away, and in that mood, i wasn't concentrating, to the extent that I dropped my WHOLE bag, and then my wallet had a business card of one of my friends, those who found the bag called her, and gave her their number, and Icalled them and they were in a class in a near by center, they were thanawya amma students, and they got me the bag home with all the important things inside , and without getting anything in return other than appreciation and a thank you.

Really, having these people and others of the same kind make me optimistic about our society, and that el donya lessa b 7'eir :)