- YOUh YOUH howa fe 7ad enahrda byfteker ?
- 7'allas ba2et 3ada ya 7abeeby.. w edala3t b zeyada
- Suspense
- close ur eyes, hold ur nose and JUMP
- eshme3Na ya3ni ?
- KoLaho baZenJaN
- nefsy a3raf howa leih maynfa3sh
- yalla press the button
- aiwa.. ana 3ayza a3'yar el wad3... I'm willing to be the pioneer... bas ya tarra hab2a mabsoota keda???
- 3aYza afhaM...
- Kan fe ZamaN walad rasSam... bas howa meen elly 2al 3alleih rasaM.. el nas elly shafet el rasma?!.. may be howa 2a3ad yekno3hom en rasmo 7elw.. w howa rasmo 3ady asLaN
- ana ektashaft en 7atta law 2omnyet 7ayaty et7a2a3et w even once in a life time I could read somebody's mind.. once mesh hateb2a kefaya.. 3ashan kol shewya ha2ool.. ma momken tekoon fe 7aga 7assalet wel ra2y da et3'ayar
- wel 3aTaba gaZaZ wel Selem naYlOo fe naylooo
- el wDooOo7.. please
- 3'aLta maTba3ya
- ma3Rafsh ana Bona2aN 3alla eih
- amma neshouf
- 7aSby ALLAH w ne3m el wakeeL
- Ana 3aYza aSafer.. 3aYza ashouf el ba7r... nefsy akalemo keda..
- taDooOk sa3at Zabt el wakt
- eih da.. ezZai keda ?
- 3ayZa anZel amshi 7awaleen Sooor el koleya el 7arbya
- leih la2a ?
- Sponteneous.. Fresh.. Free.. monta3eesha.. el donya sob7.. w batmasha
- shewayet self control w kolo hayeb2a fel tamaM.. bas ya3ni howa eih el limit... ya3ni ma howa ana law kol 7aga 7atetlaha rules w plan w keda hat2eleb l machine.. hab2a sab3awy tamaNyawy taha
- ma heya kol 7aga leeha mezetha w 3eeBha
- Today we'll opem cafe cheenOoOo
- 3ayZa atfasa7 ba2a .. wa atbest fel fos7a deih..
- BoDO BoDo wa7ashNy awi.. 3ayZa al3ab ma3ah w ashoufu ba2a
- RanDomiZe
- yeMken eZ3al marra menaK .. laKen ew3a tfaKer enaK.. mn ...
- 3ayZa a2oool. eno el nas el open minded deih nas meya meya .. bas ta3baneen leih ba2a ? 3ashan homma by7taremo w bysma3o weghet nazar el nas el tanya w byfakarOoO feiha.. da gaz2hOom ya3ni ?
- mesh hageeb ana kotob human developement tany 3alla fekra.. kolohom by2olo nafs el kalam bas from different prespectives..
- 3aM chaK cHak...w bOogy w taMtaM fe RamadaN.. walla el niNja Turtles a7la.. "Haya ya RefaK"
- kona wa2feeen ba2a fe el balakooOna ana w amira beleil fel aGaZa
- KathOra el 7adeeThoOo mn elaTy ahwaha
- AftOkaLayZa
- Kanet 7elwa awi el marra deih,... 3'eir kol el marat......el marat el tanya
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