Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Dreamt of you :))

Yes, it was a very nice dream, I wished it was true, and I wished I kept dreaming and didn't have to wake up to go work.
I dreamt you were buying a house near our's and that you brought me very nice cadeaux, the ones that I like the simple ones that I just can be perfectly happy with.
The cadeaux included chocolate, it was toblerone IN DISGUISE :D .. shaklaha kan 3ageeb shewaya...
And also, the ones that I like the most was a box full of colored wooden, butterflies, and the circluar flowers that I like with the colors that I love baby blue and pinkish.. I was flying from the idea of you getting me something, from the surprise of seeing you, and from the BEAUTIFUL things that were inside the box :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Make a Wish =)

Today, I received an e-mail from "Causes", at the end of it was a "Make a Wish" button, to create a Cause for something that I would love to help.

Regardless of the reason behind the mail, and regardless of that it's just an automated mail that is sent to me and to many other people... I dun know why I was so touched by these words that were written on the button "Make a Wish"...this magical sentence had its effect on me, and it peneterated my mind, my soul and my heart and let me think, think and think ...
I guess that it's a very nice feeling that all you have to do is just to wish, dun worry about the HOW the possible and the impossible, just wish, feeling deep inside that the wish has its opportunity to come true.

What about hearing the word "Make a Wish" .. is that you feel that somebody's taking care of your wish, and is helping you in accomplishing what you want and is "SHARING" you your wishes. What makes this sentence has that effect is that you feel that someone willingly offered to take the job of making it come true. may be this is because Human is capable of helping others than helping oneself, hence that's why it has that's magical effect on us as it carries an implicit hope or a guarantee for fulfillment and coming true.
Or, may be we are just comforted with sharing our dreams.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011


Ana ta3bana w zah2ana w mesh 3arfa ana 3ayza walla 3arfa ana momken a3mel eih 3ashan atbeset 7assa en ana 3andy 7alet rekoood, fel fekr wel maghood wel 7amas.
Helpless may be.... want things to turn to the better alone without me helping in anything..mesh 3ashan 7aga bas mesh adra 7assa eny me7taga a3mel hibernate l 7ayaty
w lamma agy a2oom ba2a ISA ab2a a3mel repair
ay kalam mesh hay7sal w ahy ta7'areeef w 7'allas .. bas 7assa eny 3ayza a2ool ay kelmeteen gayez l robama astaraya7 aw 3al a2al 3ayza abtedy ada3bed gowaya gayez awsal l ay 7aga