- Tika 3al 3alli w tikka 3al waty
- Black shoes
- 2ooola
- 7'atooWet el arNab wel Namla wel 7aGat deih
- un deux troies soliel
- el baraya
- autobus complete
- Bingo
- sayaDeeN el samaK
- eL kalB el 7ayraN
- AflaM/ BdoooN kalaM
- KahraBa
- Osto3'maya
- taMaseel esKenDrya
- RoSiee RoSaaH (I am not sure of the spelling)
- el ta3laB fat
- el ManDeeeL
- el 2ota el 3aMya
- el Ouda el Dalma/ el 3aFareeet (H)
- TaC taC meeN 3aL baB... ana el deeB.. 3ayeZ eih... 3aYez beeeDa... Lonha eih .............
- HolaHob
- chess
- cards (kent, sando2, kooomy, koNkaN, el shayeeb)
- DomaNo
- connect 4
- Nat el 7aBl
da 3'eir el le3ab elly malhash esm ba2a:
- ta2leeef ay 7aga w tamseelha
- ne7ot ana w bent 7'alty el telephone 3al maktab w karasy w akeenena a secretary
- many paper games
- Drawing with clay on on a white cement (maseees)
- using monshar arket ... to make disney shape medals
mesh 3arfa eih monasbet el 7agat deih.. bas ana fre7t enohom gom 3alla balee...
da 3'eir maged w fedoooly w moooza el 7abooba...
mickey, super mickey and mickey geeeb
w el maktaba el 7'adraa2
Flash w farafeeesh
w lamma kebert shewaya... ragol el mosta7eel w malaf el mosta2baL... I love these days awiii
and I just became in a good mood while recalling them =)
26 games?!!!
had you ever have time to study? :P
Fe wa2t el Gad ye7eB el Gad .. w F wa2t el le3B ye7eB el Le3B (A) :D
Ana nesset kaman a2oool
- baNk el haZ
w bardo kan fe tasgeeel sharayeet w keda... bas mesh kona ben2ool asdeKa2 el bernaMeg :D...
bas ana kan fe 3arayes tab3aN bl3ab beehhom w kol 7aga.. bas their role makansh major ya3ni... mawgooden w 7'allas..
bas ba2a kan feih le3bet el samak elly byleeef .. which is one of my favourites
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