Sunday, March 08, 2009

Childish memories =)

I've been thinking about what the games that I used to play when I was young...and I found that they weren't little, here's what I remember of my list:

  1. Tika 3al 3alli w tikka 3al waty
  2. Black shoes
  3. 2ooola
  4. 7'atooWet el arNab wel Namla wel 7aGat deih
  5. un deux troies soliel
  6. el baraya
  7. autobus complete
  8. Bingo
  9. sayaDeeN el samaK
  10. eL kalB el 7ayraN
  11. AflaM/ BdoooN kalaM
  12. KahraBa
  13. Osto3'maya
  14. taMaseel esKenDrya
  15. RoSiee RoSaaH (I am not sure of the spelling)
  16. el ta3laB fat
  17. el ManDeeeL
  18. el 2ota el 3aMya
  19. el Ouda el Dalma/ el 3aFareeet (H)
  20. TaC taC meeN 3aL baB... ana el deeB.. 3ayeZ eih... 3aYez beeeDa... Lonha eih .............
  21. HolaHob
  22. chess
  23. cards (kent, sando2, kooomy, koNkaN, el shayeeb)
  24. DomaNo
  25. connect 4
  26. Nat el 7aBl

da 3'eir el le3ab elly malhash esm ba2a:

- ta2leeef ay 7aga w tamseelha

- ne7ot ana w bent 7'alty el telephone 3al maktab w karasy w akeenena a secretary

- many paper games


- Drawing with clay on on a white cement (maseees)

- using monshar arket ... to make disney shape medals

mesh 3arfa eih monasbet el 7agat deih.. bas ana fre7t enohom gom 3alla balee...

da 3'eir maged w fedoooly w moooza el 7abooba...

mickey, super mickey and mickey geeeb

w el maktaba el 7'adraa2

Flash w farafeeesh

w lamma kebert shewaya... ragol el mosta7eel w malaf el mosta2baL... I love these days awiii

and I just became in a good mood while recalling them =)


Fatma Ali said...

26 games?!!!
had you ever have time to study? :P

Colourless_Turtle said...

Fe wa2t el Gad ye7eB el Gad .. w F wa2t el le3B ye7eB el Le3B (A) :D

Olive Oil said...
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Colourless_Turtle said...

Ana nesset kaman a2oool
- baNk el haZ
w bardo kan fe tasgeeel sharayeet w keda... bas mesh kona ben2ool asdeKa2 el bernaMeg :D...

bas ana kan fe 3arayes tab3aN bl3ab beehhom w kol 7aga.. bas their role makansh major ya3ni... mawgooden w 7'allas..

bas ba2a kan feih le3bet el samak elly byleeef .. which is one of my favourites