Saturday, April 04, 2009

TEN... Part I

There, on a beautiful lake, that has a very clear water, and a very freshening air. Lives Ibrahim's small family the carpenter of the town who's at the age of 38, his wife Sarah who is 27 years old who used that sews clothes to her neighbors , and their daughter Mariam who was at the age of 10.
It was by the end of the spring, and the begining of the summer, when Mariam was playing infront of the house with her bicycle she heard her mum screaming and when she run into the house to see what's up with her mum. She founds her father helping her to get and go to the car.

A couple of days afterwards, returns Ibrahim, Sarah and Mariam with the new family member Adam.
Adam didn't show any special interest to any of his small family members, except for Mariam his sister, ok he calms down and feels safe in his parents arms... but the only one whom Adam follows by his eyes was his elder sister Mariam.
After the first BD to Mariam that Adam celebrated with them. Adam began not to have that special interest in his sister any more.
Adam began not to play with his sister whatever her trials was, only when she nudges him to let him laugh, he laughs but keep wondering around as if trying to find who's playing with him.
His family began to get worried, his mother was sad that her child never notices her, as any child of his age does, and the same for the confused father, and especially after the period he stopped following his sister with her eyes and smiling and waving to her became long.
They began suspecting his vision, and after some investigations, they knew that he can see quite well.
And here their wonder bego grow more and more

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