Thursday, June 29, 2006

Principles of Success- Becoming a Person of Integrity I

The Following is a Quote from the book:

"Napoleon Hill, in his book, The Master Key to Riches, tells about how he created an imaginary board of personal advisors made up of great figures of history. He chose people like Napoleon, Lincoln, Jesus, and Alexander the Great. Whenever he had to make a decision, he would relax deeply and then imagine that the members of his advisory council were sitting at a large table in front of him. He would then ask them what he should do to deal effectively with a particular situation. In time, they would begin to give him answers, observations, and insights that helped him to see more clearly and act more effectively."

I think that this is not a very helpful method, because WE WILL THINK, how would they react. and since there's an intervention from us, we will project our impression on them. and will put our finger print in the decision made

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