Sometimes we need to dig deeper inside us to discover what hurts, pleases and affects us,and To do so we have to watch ourselves carefully, and let our spirits speak just as they feel and then watch out what lies deep inside
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
And That Was The First Day there...
It's Good thank God. But ...
Also, when comparing the first day here, and in my ex-company, I mean comparing myself, I think a year and a couple of months had really added to me.
Hope that the next day would even be better.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I Love U ALL...
But the most important to me, is the people, as I love them a lot, I was really indirectly forced to leave my dear friends, and the friendly, loving environmet that I was enjoying a lot.
Anyway, It's life "C 'est La Vie", But ISA, we will be always connected.
I was really happy today, as I saw all the team in my Farewell, that team that is used to be here and there, at the Customer's site, finishing some tasks. But we were all gathered today, especially HH who was on a vacation and it was broken, MH who is outsourced, but to my good luck, he came today, Also TA who had training outside, came after he finished. I was happy for seeing them all Around, Although I was missing my elder brothers but they are out of the country, so it wasn't in their hand at all to come :)
Now, I have a very strange confusing feeling. My mind still not figuring out, that it's really the last day and it's over. My mind keep on saying, did a year and 3 months passed like this? did I finish my 1 month notice that quick? still can't believe .... Shall I be joining the company I've been dreaming of after only 2 more days?
And then the idea that nothing in the world is perfect jumbs into my mind... I feel that it's very true.
I wish that we will be always connected, and our relation get deeper and deeper.
You will be always with me and inside my heart :))... Love U ALL
Friday, November 24, 2006
سئمت لا أقول سئمت الحياة و لكنى سئمت حياتى
لا لن أقول بغضت الحياة و لكنى بغضت حياتى
آلعيب فى أم فى من حولى؟ و لكنى سأجزم أن العيب ليس فى وحدى
الدمع يقف حائرا فى مقلتى لائما كل من حولى جميعا
نعم فلم يعد لى حميما وما معنى الحياة إذا سرت وحيدة
أنظر إلى سماؤك يا ربى و أرى الغيوم كأنها دموعا
دموعا تهطل أمطارا و سيولا بكاءا على من تراهم السماء حيارى
و أسمع صوت هواؤك يبكى من أجل كل نفس محترق من الحزن و الأسى
و استشعر الجبال قد أقسمت على أن لا تنبت زهرا لكى لا يذبل حزنا
قد خشى الجبل على الزهور و استهان الناس بالقلوب
قلوب تدمى حزنا و أسى
حزنا علي ماض قد انقضى
و أسى على حاضر يتبدد هباءا
كفى يا سماء عن البكاء و كفى غيوما فبغير نورك
لا نستطيع الحياة
و اسمحى يا جبال بأن تعيش فوق ظهرك الزهور
عسى أن تبقى زهرة تسعد قلب من قلوب الحزانى
و يا هواء صبرا فإن النفوس غدا سوف تبرد
و تلطف نسيمك برضاها
فإن الحياة زهور و أحزان
لقاءا و وداع
حبا و شقاءا
فرحا و الماّ
عجيبة هى الحياة و رغم ذلك نحياها
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Feelings...Feelings and Feelings Again :'(
The couple of days before yesterday, I've made a lot of prayers and asked people to pray that I would be accepted and join that comapny, and what made me very sticky is that I was very upset from my current job.
Anyways, Yesterday I went to the company and went through the recruitement process, there were a lot of people there waiting to be interviewed, I was a little worried when I saw this large number, but had a faith in God that He would help me, and to my astonishment, I found myself passing from an interview to the other and when entering each I was feeling that this would be the last and I won't pass to the next till I found myself in the last one Hearing "Congrats", and took the offer.
I was veryyyyyyyy happy then, but in my way back home, I passed by my current company an remembered that these few coming days would be the End of my days in that comapny, which although I was really upset from and suffering from its management but I LOVE IT, yes I do :S, then my feelings began to go to the other extreme and became very sad for the thought of leaving the company, the people and everything there that I love deeply :'( , really deeply.
Then arriving home, I called my friend sue and told here that I've been accepted there, she was GREATLYYY affected by these news, and she ended the call immediately excusing me and telling me that she's not able to talk anymore. Then I called my friend DODO, in hope that she would be in a better status and would react in a way that may lift my mood up. But, her reaction wasn't better than that of Sue by any mean, and she kept saying, "is it sure?" and also ended the call immediately.
After these 2 phone calls that mode that began when I passed by the compay's premises became more and more stronger, but I was shy from God to be sad and cry instead of thanking him for his help and support to me, I felt a very strange feeling that I didn't experience before, I felt as if my heart was divided into 2 zones, one that is happy for what God have given me and the other is very sad for my departure.
I was in a very strange bad mood, I called a friend of us that was with us in the company but left from about 5 or 6 months and told her everything, on hearingher voice in the phone I burst into tears, at the beginig she thought that I was rejected in the interview, but when she heard the complete story from me she tried her best to calm me down, and she succeded partially, but still I wasn't ok, I sent a msg to Sue, and DODO just saying "Sorry", I couldn't tell more than that, then I recieved a call from DODO, she was partially fine at the beginig of the call, then we ended the call each of us crying.
And today at work also, it was a day full of ups and downs in our moods, but generally, it was better than I was expecting thank God.
I am really, going to miss my friends, colleagues, team, Really I am going to miss them all...I can't imagine not saluting them in the early morning and the chit chats, that we used to have through the day, praying with each others, taking the break, sitting in the balacon together, making the Nescafe, and also walking to the main street from the company every day.... I will miss that all, I will miss them deeply, I will miss even those that we are not close friends, as I am used to the combination of people, I will miss the combination, listening to that voice and hearing that laugh, seeing those intimates walking or laughing together, all that all that will be missed a lot.
I love u ALL, I am gonna miss u ALL. :'(
I still have a lot inside, but it's just that I can't complete now......
Thursday, September 14, 2006
A way out............
But to go out I need to have some other BETTRT place, and currenly I don't have it. And I don't know whether I'll be having it some SOON day that I will be in a better place or I got stucked with that place?
Another point is..........shall I really find a better place.....or its a mirage?????????????Are they all the same?
unable to do any positive step to help myself, though I have many ideas to help in my mind
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Will be always missing ...
I felt that this event, would have cheered, and fell the heart of my dear very much, I kept imagining how she would have been very happy, full of joy, reaping the fruits of her hard working years and all the effort that she'd exerted to take care of this plant, but unfortunately it was not her fate to witness this event, but anyways, thank God, I wish that she's sharing every joyfull moment with us and doesn't feel with us any bad moment that we pass with.
Also, ISA, by the end of this week, a wish that we all have been wishing from a long time, and kept imagining that day and every minor deatil in it, will be fulfilled ISA, I think that there are other Dears that we are be missing veryyyyyyyyy much on that day, those who will forever be missed in evey happy event and also every nin-happy one.
Please Dears, know that ISA, that you will never be missing in any event, because you are in a place that we can't exist without, you're in our hearts, in every photo that we take, your places are reserved, in every gathering we gather in, you're the first ones in.
We can never be apart from you, you're always in our hearts dearies.........miss u, though u are never missed
Monday, August 07, 2006
Rolling Back.................. :)) Hopefully
But can we "Roll Back" that easy in our real lives, or as people say "Undo/ Ctrl+Z" our actions and the most hardest our feelings, I think that this is impossible or else live could have been much easier.
There is something else that I wish it was existing in the "Human's World", which is freezing, either to freeze on a happy moment the one is enjoying, freezing to keep with the company you like, freezing on the situation, the state of satisfaction and happiness the one's in at a certain moment.
Unrelated and unorganized thoughts that are coming into my mind, and there is much more, and I guess more important still in my mind, but still can't be translated into written lines :(((
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The Happiest day in One's Life
My mind began thinking of a sentence that was said in the film of yesterday, that I am still thinking of till the current moment, the actress was saying that everytime she was upset she sits to see the sunrise, and hear it as if saying to hear "Have hope, still you didn't live the happiest day in your life".
From then, I've been asking myself: "Did I live the best day in my life or it's still coming", who knows, we can't answer this questions unless we've lived all our age that is written to us.
I kept dreaming of this day, how would I feel, what would happen to make me extremely happy?
and another question came to my mind: "Is it better to live in average happiness or to feel that EXTREME happiness?????????"
And, if that happiest day in my life already passed? which day was it ??????????????
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Oh Allah, please fulfill all my dreams
Suddenly at the evening my mood changed with no single reason for it to change and I became very upset, and began thinking of many things that worries me and makes me sad, and then I said to myself remember all the gifts you have from God, remember all what you have, or just remember how he saved your father to you and made the operation passes peacefully.
I made so with my mind, but internally I was still uncomfortable, and then a friend of mine came to my mind and I called her as she's travelling in a vaction and I missed her tOoOoO much, just hearing her voice on the phone saying "AlOoOoO", my mood was really changed 180 degress and I began laughing and joking with her, and there was another surprise to me which was our other friend was there too in a vacation my mind faked me and I really fealt as If I was there with them as their third companion and I enjoyed it too much
Then I began ordering my wardrobe, and I was singing many things, then all of a sudden I began Praying, asking God all what I want and not just asking but speaking and speaking loudly I was not just speaking with my my head but with my voice too, I felt relieved afterwards.
On waking up today I found an SMS from my travelling brother saying that he'd seen our mother (God Rests her Soul) giving him many cadeaux to give them to me, I felt then that it's a sign that all my wishes will be fulfilled ISA and my Prayers were heard (Ostegebat ISA)
I Came work today, to find my friends are abscent, but we phoned each others, and I am generally in a good mood I hope it stays for a long while
I hope all my prayers come true
Monday, July 17, 2006
I've passed some moments in which I was dead of fear and worry. Minutes after I felt relieved and began laughing.
I've seen the people and how they were very supporting to us and how caring were they.
I've felt there love and care, they were competing in helping us.
Thank you all, and before all thanks and gratitude to my dear God, who saved us and was very near and merciful to us, and for showing us what do we mean to all these people around
Monday, July 10, 2006
Something Broken :(((
I don't know why I am getting all these shocks, or I am over sensetive or what. Especially, that in this case I am not able to change my mind and opinion on the character because it's really from the best characters I met ever in my life, but the case is in me, I am still not that close:((.
And that's my everlasting problem "Not THAT Close"
Monday, July 03, 2006
Till when...
or speak words that others just don't want to hear:'(
Bored of Myself
When shall I be a normal person, who interacts with people in a normal way.
Is the defect in me or in people around me, I doubt that it's in people around me as for sure not all these people have the same defect. It seems that only the few close friends to me who are the superiors so that they were able in dealing with a very high maintenance people like me
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Principles of Success- Becoming a Person of Integrity II
- You can “fake it until you make It.”: because of the Law of Reversibility, if you act as if you had a particular feeling the action will generate the feeling consistent with it.
- You can become a superior human being by consciously acting exactly as the kind of person that you would most like to become.
Principles of Success- Becoming a Person of Integrity I
"Napoleon Hill, in his book, The Master Key to Riches, tells about how he created an imaginary board of personal advisors made up of great figures of history. He chose people like Napoleon, Lincoln, Jesus, and Alexander the Great. Whenever he had to make a decision, he would relax deeply and then imagine that the members of his advisory council were sitting at a large table in front of him. He would then ask them what he should do to deal effectively with a particular situation. In time, they would begin to give him answers, observations, and insights that helped him to see more clearly and act more effectively."
I think that this is not a very helpful method, because WE WILL THINK, how would they react. and since there's an intervention from us, we will project our impression on them. and will put our finger print in the decision made
Principles of Success- Becoming a Person of Integrity
- AL-Sedk: I don't just mean saying the truth, but I mean being true in your feelings, in your love, in your will and everything
- Al-7ob: Love, To love everyone(who deserves), and everything around you and to have peace with yourself and love it(not too much), only to the extent you can live with. Love your country, Love your Work, and Love the atmosphere in which you are living
- Being there for those who needs you and expects you beside them
- Tomo7: Always work on improving everything, your relation with people around you, your career, your shape ;), relation with God, knowing to sum it up, hope and work for increasing every tiny good thing in you or you want to achieve, and get rid and move away everything you hate about yourself or your living
- Al Dema3' el Kbeera: Give excuses to others, as long as you are sure of other people's feelings towards you, then never suspect any action they do , if it appears to be bad to u, listen to them and forgive them, never lose a life time's love because of a misunderstanding that you could have passed.Always look to the big picture, and remember the long history, and ignore the tiny details, take people as they are, when they do something that upsets you, remeber that they are not devils, do not remember all their bad actions, remember their good ones as well, remember when thet stood by you, remember that they bared your bad actions as well
Please, Please, Please, anyone who reads this post, write me your top 5
values, if u have more than 5 write as much as u feel
Just to Complete what I've Started
And in hope of finishing what I've started I will resume my work in it
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The Hell of taking a decision...
But what makes a decision big? that is the question. I know that in some cases it's easy to make a U turn and change your path, but even in this case it will not be a very easy decision. I always believed that the best decision is that that can be changed easy in sense that it's flexible and doesn't have great impacts.
In some cases we say what if the decision I made was not correct? It's not a big deal I can then leave what I have choosed and return to the other alternative, but the problem is that leaving a chosen way is not always easy and the other alternative(s) is/ are not always available and waiting for u to know that they were the best for u.
I've just seen a phrase today that I feeled very much; "Life is the art of drawing.. Without an eraser. So.. be careful what u draw".
But what I think is that although we don't have an eraser but we can make the line we made wrongly a stem for a new flower.
And I comfort myself by saying that it's fate more or less, as the poet said "Kotebat 3allyna 7'ottan f mashaynaha" or "It's steps that was wrote for us so we stepped them". But then I reply to myself that this doesn't mean that we don't have to think, but we should do our best in trying to find the best choice and make the optimum decision, but we shouldn't stress ourselves if we really did our best to investigate in the correctness of the decisions we are to make, because we are human, and human may make mistakes and that's normal and we shouldn't repent as long as we did our best in thinking.
But my problem is that period of thinking in which I try to do my best :)))
And another sound inside me that is the source of my worry, when I try to comfort myselfy, it comes up and ruins all comfort: "What if u made ur life a series of wrong decisions?". A very pessimistic sound. isn't it?
I am very confused, tired and thus very sad :(((
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Touched me....
That was a Quote that I found at in a post called"Quotes Wise Quotes " and was really very touched by
Great Expectations
But I am going to talk about the High Expectations that I had for some people around me. How I thought what I were to them and then was faced by the painful truth.
Is it my fault that I expect people to act the same way I feel towards them, even though I may not be showing these feelings.
I got tired from my "Great Expectations", I always expect relations to be very deep, I always expect love to be mutual, and since I love with all that I have, I expect the highest degrees of love and care which I rarely find. But thank God that I've it after all, God saves these caring people for me.
I feel tired, and I feel a very deep pain inside. Even I am wrong I know that I can't change as it's a chronic disease that I've been suffering from through out my life. I hardly find the love in the way I feel it towards the others.
Even my crush, I expected a lot and lived in my dreams which have no single root to live with or stand on. I know that's not anybody's fault but mine.
I wish I am cured from my disease,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pray for me
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Last Friday, which was 16/06/2006, one of my friends arranged with my sister that they are going to make me a surprise birthday party. I knew my sister was planning to do something like this but I lied on her and told her that would not make me happy and that she will make me upset instead of happy, I thought that I've convinced her.
My friend called for an outing in one of the places that we were used to going when we were still at school, or I can say that there was the only place permitted to us then. and she said that she missed this place a lot, me too was very happy with the idea and with the company.
My sister than asked me "Would u be annoyed if me, H and R joined u in the outing?" and I replied that I would be happy but please don't try to celebrate my birhday, and she said Ok.
To my astonishment my friend who was missing our Outings in the "X" place, suggested another one, I was very astonished but I said it's normal "Those are my friends"
On reaching the place we settled to I found two of my faculty friends entering the Same place. I asked them did S told u that we are coming here they smiled and didn't reply.
when I went Upstairs I found Helium Birthday Baloons, other friends, I was very surprised, all of this was arranged, and 4 days earlier, I never suspected so, all I was suspicious of that my sister may come and try to celebrate my birthday and they (my friends) don't know anything.
As my special and dear friend told me; I kept my mouth opened for about half an hour trying to understand what was happening.
It was really a very special day, very special and early birthday (20/06 shifted to 16/06) and also my other friend to whom also that Birthday was done was shifted for a complete week (23/06 shifted to 16/06). It was a very friendly company, which I stayed being with very much.
As we were in Ceramic cafe, I wasn't planning to Color anything, but I said that I must have a souvenir from that day. and I wrote all the attendees names on it.
A very special thing on that day also was the Candle of the Birthday cake, it was a flower that opens (seeing it is much more beautiful than my description).
A very special thanks to all those who were there, and those who tried to make me and my friend (H/ or Moon) happy.
U really made it just as perfect as it could be.
My Friends who really made me happy by their attendance (Mandarina, Rana, Tooty, my sister Amani, Reno, Hobaz, Moon"The other Birthday Queen", Hussien, Shaltoot, Kunoichi, Shemooo, Rain& Ahmad, Shedeed, and my very special friend and the head of the organizing comitee"Zee alien" )
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Principles of Success- A Balanced Life
- “Only when your values and your activities are congruent do you feel happy and at peace with yourself”--- A saying that I am totally agreeing with
- “The formula revolves around a concept of time management, or what you might want to call life management.”---It may have been in my mind, but the image became very clear; that with managing the time we are not utilizing our hours in an efficient way just to meet a deadline of something or to be able to do all or most of the things we wish to do, but day by day it will add up our whole life, after X year of managing our hours, weeks, months and years we will have a life that if full of many achievements not necessary achievements like winning the Nobel Prize, or being a minister or whatever people consider it a standard of success, but at least we will have been doing all the things we thought and believed they were important and put them on the highest priority and choose them from among many things to do. These achievements may be just from painting a set of tableaux that were never been to an exhibition or even seen by a great painter who stated that these paintings have some value, even if they are nothing but just a way to give their painter some joy and a way to express himself even to himself. I think that a woman or a man who well managed their life if they didn’t get the fame and didn’t pass the success standards that people have set at least they will die happy as they spent their time which is their lives in something they enjoyed doing if it was hard.
- “The setting of posteriorities is often overlooked.” This was also one another point that I benefited from reading this book, as I always when the idea of managing my time comes to mind the first thing that jumps to my mind is getting a piece of paper and begin writing the things that I wish to do whether are they are a job that I have to finish or an activity that I like very much and in a bad need for it to bring joy to myself and then begin giving priorities to each and scheduling the time in which I am supposed to do these things in. But after reading the above quoted sentence I’ve discovered that I would be able to do more things that I like and find some more free hours in my day, if I observed my daily routine and on this same piece of paper I began to write the unimportant things that I do that are of no value and they are taking my time just as a kind of habit, and then stop wasting my time on them and put in that free time things that are more important or that make me more happy doing them.
- “Most people are so busy rushing back and forth that they seldom take the time to think seriously about who they are and why they are doing what they are doing”
- “To be successful at your job, you must work fast and efficiently and nonstop all the time you are on the payroll”. I believe that this is what a successful machine would likely be supposed to do. But Humans MUST have breaks to perform better, also they must socialize with people around them, colleagues, managers or subordinates, or else they will not be happy and that would affect negatively on their work. Employees are humans who have emotions that is not an On/Off switch they switch it off when they come to work and back on when they finish, they must have mutual sympathy and support with their mates. On the other hand when they are capable of giving, they might be over giving, even their 1 hour of work may be productive in multiple of times compared with Machine-Like Humans who work their full time and nonstop. But I am sure not saying that we are coming work just to have friends and socialize and so, but all what I say is that we must respect our Human Nature.
- “When parents don’t spend a lot of time with their children individually, they send a message to their children that they are not very valuable or important”. I believe that this type of messages are not only send to children from their parents, but are sent to any of the parties of a relationship being Parent-Child, Friendship, Manager-Subordinate, Love or whatever, I believe that relationships must be maintained by giving them enough time to breath, this breath is that the one feels the care of the other, (s)he has given me a time from their precious lives, made me the first priority than any other thing they could have been doing on these moments they are sharing with me. Ignoring is a very bad feeling one feels even if the other character didn’t intend it when they lack the time to sit with each others and speak, as words are not only exchanged in a conversation, but I feel it like a wave is coming and going between the 2 spirits which is very healthy to the relation.
Principles of Success
Once (from about a month) I’ve been talking with one of my friends telling her that I am very bored and I want to begin doing some new activity that I might find my self in and I discovered that in the past few days I became interested in criticizing the films and everything I watch in the TV, and then the day before yesterday (09/05/2006) I was telling her that that I began reading a book that I am nearly against most of the points of views of the writer, and she told me that it would be fine to take this book as a start to criticize the thoughts in it that I am against, and thus I will be discovering the thoughts that I am with.
And as I was very thirst to begin some writing activity, I was very enthusiastic about it and began the job from today Thursday (11/05/2006) although it was a very full day and I am very tired as it’s already 11:40 PM, but anyway I will Start, I hope I can do it well and complete the job :)
Chapters of the Book
A Balanced Life
Becoming A Person Of Integrity
Cultivating Your Self-Esteem
Empowering Others
Everyone’s A Sales Person
Gaining Visibility
Generating Energy
Leading & Motivating
Make Every Minute Count
Making The Most Of Change
Managing Your Time
Setting Priorities
The Power Of Charisma
The Power Of Positive Self Talk
Every Post ISA I will be talking on a chapter
Friday, May 12, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Quotes that I like
- Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level
- الحياة التي لا يعاد النظر فيها لا تستحق أن تعاش أفلاطون
- ينبغي أن نضع نصب أعينينا أن مأساة الحياة لا تكمن في عدم بلوغ الهدف بل في عدم وجود هدف نسعى إلى بلوغه فليست الفاجعة في أن نموت دون أن نحقق بعضاَ من أحلامنا بل أن نفتقر إلى الأحلام .
- Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened.
- To meet and to part is way of life. To part and to meet again is hope of life.
- The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.
- Love is like standing in wet cement , the longer you stay the harder to leave and u can never leave without leaving your marks behind.
- Just because somebody doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
- The heart is on the left but always right.
- I love walking in the rain cause then no one knows im crying.
- The virtue of true love is not finding the perfect person, but loving the imperfect person perfectly.
- Destiny decides who you meet in life but its only your heart that can decide who gets to stay in your life.
- False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the *sunshine,* but leaving us when we cross into the *shade.*
- “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” --- Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
- I try to talk to you, but I don't know what to say. I am afraid you don't want me to say anything. So I don't. But inside of me there are words waiting to come out.And tell you how I feel-like how I miss you. And how I love you despite my broken heart.And how I need you in my life. And especially how much I want you.But those words may forver stay in my heart-locked inside.Sometimes I wonder if there are words locked inside you too... but I'll never know.
- All our lives we search for someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance the song of heartbreak and hope all the while,wondering if somewhere,somehow there is someone searching for us
A Quote I disagree with
- When you can't have what you want, it's time to start wanting what you have. -- Kathleen A. Sutton
First: There is nothing called "Can't have".
Second: We may try as much as we can to have what we want, but we may discover that the thing we are searching for is not what we really want or may be while passing in the road we discover something else that much worth our trials.
But we can't take this Quote as a rule or else we would remove the word "Dream" from our dictionary. and try to cope with all the things around us that we don't like
I don't know why did I stop at this Quote and began to criticize it, I may have ignored it as simple as that, but I couldn't
What's Your Fame and Fortune?
You're likely to find fame and fortune in the Scientific World
What's Your Fame and Fortune?
Brought to you by Tickle
Your Inner Child Is Naughty |
![]() Like a child, you tend to discount social rules. It's just too much fun to break the rules! You love trouble - and it seems that trouble loves you. And no matter what, you refuse to grow up! |
Thursday, April 20, 2006
What Sign Should You Be?
You Should Be An Aquarius |
![]() What's good about you: philosophical and idealistic, you are a great thinker What's bad about you: you require a lot of space - it's hard to get close to you In love: you're quirky and playful, but you hate to be smothered In friendship, you're: likely to have many acquaintances and very few good friends Your ideal job: pilot, snow boarder, or science fiction writer Your sense of fashion: unconventional, unique outfits that turn heads You like to pig out on: anything with garlic or unique spices |
Sunday, February 12, 2006
A Message In A Bottle ...
There are a million of words that can say how bad we can feel ... A million of words that can describe how our hearts keep falling ... A million of words that can show the darkness we fear ... each cry and each tear ...A million of words that can tell how we feel the end is near ...
But I ain't gonna write them ...
All This ... The world which seem to be falling around us ... all this comes to end ... just WHEN WE BELIEVE ...
Believe what? Believe this ...
It's true ... each one of us have the strength inside to defeat all odds that hold us back ... any rocks that seem to keep us from going forward ... It won't help us in anyway if we closed on ourselves keeping sadness and all bad feelings to be our only companion ... What happened had happened ... And nothing we can do to prevent fate to take place ... nothing we can do to change the PAST but we can dream TOMORROW ... all we can do is to believe it's the good for us ... to look forward to what's to come ... to hope .. to wish .. to believe .. to have faith .. if we learned how to believe ... how to believe endlessly ... how when anything happens we just remember the word "Fate" even if it was the hardest thing ever ... even if we lost the most precious in our lives ... we will find happiness somehow ... when we believe that Allah will make it up for us ...We just have to BELIEVE ... Because it's our only way out ... "Dead hearts are not those ones who stopped BEATING but those ones who stopped BELIEVING" ... So ..Don't ever let go your heart ... Don't ever let go your faith ...
Thursday, February 02, 2006
You Are a Peacemaker Soul
You Are a Peacemaker Soul |
![]() You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can. War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace. You are a good mediator and a true negotiator. Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy. While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental. You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take. On the flip side, you've got a graet sense of humor and wit. You're always dimplomatic and able to give good advice. Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul |