Sunday, December 02, 2007

Taming the ShReW

When the shrew, is within you
when it's controlling you, leading you and force you to act in a certain manner, and think in a certain way.
The point is, in times you are aware that it's not correct to follow it, but just you can't stop yourself from following it.
It's not that you are not strong, it's just because it's un-resistable. The secret behind being un-resistable is that it's a part of you, and know very well what's gonna make you happy, understand you very well also, and convence you ... that this action is ok. It maked you just a willing less creature.
So, the solution is "Taming" that shrew, and of course taming it the sooner is the better. Becaause, by time it beomes more and more strong, making it a very hard task on you to get over it.
Especially, that you are partially with some of its dead, because it brings short term happiness, that vanishes shortly. But, remember that these short terma happiness is often followed by feelings of regression.

Tame it anyway, as either ways would lead to the same end? or , let it give you some short term happiness, better than nothing???? that's the question... my mind is with the first, and my feelings are with the ShrEw

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