I feel that we 'PEOPLE', enjoy complicating our lives these days. It's not that life itself became complex, but we decided that it couldn't complete that simple as it used to be, even just 1 decade ago.
I sometimes think that people in the past had lots to do, for their daily life routine, so they hadn't enough time to complicate their lives, but we have delegated some of our daily routine tasks to the machines and dedicated that time to thinking, thinking and then "Sinking in the Over-Thinking".
Or may be we just are affected with the things around us, and so we became more complex like the machines that we have invented.
Each of us now should have a Manual, describing how they think, how they interpret things, when do you know that they are happy. when do you know that they are sad, when do you know that they need help, but they are just refusing to ask for it, and even more... they refuse to get it if it happened that you understood their complex formula, and understood that they are currently passing by a hard time.
We are making it very hard on ourselves, and our companions, just enjoying and competing "Look, How complex I am... no one can ever understands me"!!!!!!!!!
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