Sometimes we need to dig deeper inside us to discover what hurts, pleases and affects us,and To do so we have to watch ourselves carefully, and let our spirits speak just as they feel and then watch out what lies deep inside
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007
External dependancy
I am afraid that I am an external dependent person, my happiness and mood is highly affected by a good deed someone does to me, or a bad deed that I am shocked with.
It's not the normal effect, but it's very deep. That's why sometimes I feel like sheltering into my own shell, not being isolated from the external environment, but just shutting down my feelings system and living.
"Colourless turtle", that was once the behaviour that I found similar to my attitude, the turtle is very self dependent, it has its own shell portable with it in everywhere available to it in every moment, the only difference is that I made this shell colourless or transparent, so that I keep on feeling with the surroundings and get out of my shell, when it's time to, and the people who worth leaving my shell are there; too close.
But, I should make my shell, a very good place, and learn how to be happy staying in it.
Friday, December 21, 2007

I feel that we 'PEOPLE', enjoy complicating our lives these days. It's not that life itself became complex, but we decided that it couldn't complete that simple as it used to be, even just 1 decade ago.
I sometimes think that people in the past had lots to do, for their daily life routine, so they hadn't enough time to complicate their lives, but we have delegated some of our daily routine tasks to the machines and dedicated that time to thinking, thinking and then "Sinking in the Over-Thinking".
Or may be we just are affected with the things around us, and so we became more complex like the machines that we have invented.
Each of us now should have a Manual, describing how they think, how they interpret things, when do you know that they are happy. when do you know that they are sad, when do you know that they need help, but they are just refusing to ask for it, and even more... they refuse to get it if it happened that you understood their complex formula, and understood that they are currently passing by a hard time.
We are making it very hard on ourselves, and our companions, just enjoying and competing "Look, How complex I am... no one can ever understands me"!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

That is a URL for a site that I spend much time STUDYING its contents with so much interest, since the day a friend of mine has told me about.
I find it's too real, it explains to me why I sometimes behave in a certain manner, and I felt happy and having a clearer interpretation for my deeds.
I generally like all the things that helps me strengthen the connection and clarifies the messages sent to me by my inner me.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Walking in the FOG

In my way in that foggy road, my pictures may not have any relation with that of the reality, I may feel the existance of things that are not there.
I sometimes wish the sun to shine, and in many other times, I fear it, it may just clear all my drawings, and put them away.
Can you take my hands and let me open my eyes on the best of the pictures that I've drawn, and tell me that they were real ? Or else, just please let me on my way, let me on my foggy road
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Taming the ShReW
when it's controlling you, leading you and force you to act in a certain manner, and think in a certain way.
The point is, in times you are aware that it's not correct to follow it, but just you can't stop yourself from following it.
It's not that you are not strong, it's just because it's un-resistable. The secret behind being un-resistable is that it's a part of you, and know very well what's gonna make you happy, understand you very well also, and convence you ... that this action is ok. It maked you just a willing less creature.
So, the solution is "Taming" that shrew, and of course taming it the sooner is the better. Becaause, by time it beomes more and more strong, making it a very hard task on you to get over it.
Especially, that you are partially with some of its dead, because it brings short term happiness, that vanishes shortly. But, remember that these short terma happiness is often followed by feelings of regression.
Tame it anyway, as either ways would lead to the same end? or , let it give you some short term happiness, better than nothing???? that's the question... my mind is with the first, and my feelings are with the ShrEw