"A relationship is a sum of mutual steps to minimize the distance between two people"
This Qoute stopped me, as I found it to be very true...
but, that's the Happy path.
The Problem is that, may be at sometimes, a partie stands still, all what (s)he does is to smile and wave for the other partie, and tells her/ him how happy is (s)he for seeing that other partie coming near.
May be at other times, we have an active partner, that keeps on walking non-stop and the other partie sometimes come closer, sometimes stand still and may be even going away, increasing the distance, and thus the distance will even grow, regardless how the first partie is approaching with all what they have.
it's normal that at some point of time one of the parties, may not be able to approach, and in this case, the other partie SHOULD make up for her/ his partner's stop to keep the relation healthy. but that should be the exception and not the default case of a healthy relationship.