Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Today, I went to the yearly "Book Fair" with my friends, although some were not interested in reading but we were all very enthusistic about going to the fair... Just Going.

There, I was eager to search for all Kinds of Books in the Ares that I like to read about, and so was my friends that are also intersted in readings.... Different Tastes, Different Interests.... Variation in our enthusiasm...

I looked at the people there, and I was like "What all these minds that are there", I say so because people were looking for kinds of books that I never touched... or even thought about reading, I felt then how different is people intersts and thinking...

Then on that thought, and on buying a set of books, I felt like "I wanna do nothin now but read 'em all"... I also know that this enthusiasm will be down shortly, for me and most of the people that went to the fair, and that the "Enthusiasm for Reading", we currently have as if it's the "Culturual Season" is soon going to end.

Because, why don't we have this sense except in that period of the year, I believe it's because, all people are doing the same thing at the same time... that's the idea "Uniting and gathering around whatever ".

This what happened last year in the African Nations Cup, the people whether were soccer lovers or not all gathered to

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