Sometimes we need to dig deeper inside us to discover what hurts, pleases and affects us,and To do so we have to watch ourselves carefully, and let our spirits speak just as they feel and then watch out what lies deep inside
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
While working and listening to "Mesh Faraa Maay" by fayrooz ... I wondered does it not really matter ?!!!
I know it's not true... and it does matter. But, I am just convincing myself with the opposite .. and I know I am not successful in that brainwashing task I am doing to myslef especially after that dream that I had today .. I dreamt with you, and I was very upset when I woke up and find that it was just a dream.
I know it's not true... and it does matter. But, I am just convincing myself with the opposite .. and I know I am not successful in that brainwashing task I am doing to myslef especially after that dream that I had today .. I dreamt with you, and I was very upset when I woke up and find that it was just a dream.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
انـــا وليـــــــــــلى
ماتت بمحراب عينيك ابتهالاتي
واستسلمت لنداء الياس راياتي
جفت على بابك الموصود ازمنتي
ليلى وما اثمرت شيئاً نداءاتي
عامان مارف لى لحن على وتر
ولا استفاقت على نور سماواتي
اعتق الحب فى قلبي واعصره
فأرشف اللهم فى مغبر كاساتي
ممزق انا
لا جاه
ولا ترف
يغيرك فى فخليني لآهاتي
لو تعصرين سنين العمر اكملها
لسال منها نزيف من جراحاتي
لو كنت ذا ترف
ما كنت تاركة حبي
لكن عسر الحال ضعف الحال
فقر الحال مأساتي
عانيت عانيت
لاحزاني ابوح به
ولست تدرين شيئاً عن معاناتي
امشي واضحك ياليلي مكابرة
على اخبي عن الناس احتضاراتي
لا الناس تعرف ما امري فتعذرني
ولا سبيل لديهم فى مواساتي
يرسو بعينيك حرمان يمص دمي
ويستبيح اذا شاء ابتساماتي
معذورة انت ان اجهضت لى املي
لا الذنب ذنبك بل كانت حماقاتي
اضعت فى عرض الصحراء قافلتي
وجئت ابحث فى عينيك عن ذاتي
وجئت احضانك الخضراء منتشياً
كالطفل احمل احلامي البريئات
غرست كفك تجتثين اوردتي
وتسحقين بلا رفق مسراتي
مضاع هاجرت مدني حسني
وما ابحرت منها شراعاتي
نفيت واستوطن الاغراب فى بلدي
ودمروا كل اشيائى الحبيبات
خانتك عيناك
فى زيف وفى كذب
ام غرك البهرج والخداع مولاتي
فراشة جئت القى كل اجنحتي
لديك فأحترقت ظلماً جناحاتي
اصيح والسيف مزروع بخاصرتي
والغدر حطم آمالي العريضات
وانت ايضاً الا تبت يداك
اذا اثرت قتلي واستعذبت اناتي
من لى بحذف اسمك الشفاف من لغتي
اذن ستسمى بلا ليلى حكاياتي
واستسلمت لنداء الياس راياتي
جفت على بابك الموصود ازمنتي
ليلى وما اثمرت شيئاً نداءاتي
عامان مارف لى لحن على وتر
ولا استفاقت على نور سماواتي
اعتق الحب فى قلبي واعصره
فأرشف اللهم فى مغبر كاساتي
ممزق انا
لا جاه
ولا ترف
يغيرك فى فخليني لآهاتي
لو تعصرين سنين العمر اكملها
لسال منها نزيف من جراحاتي
لو كنت ذا ترف
ما كنت تاركة حبي
لكن عسر الحال ضعف الحال
فقر الحال مأساتي
عانيت عانيت
لاحزاني ابوح به
ولست تدرين شيئاً عن معاناتي
امشي واضحك ياليلي مكابرة
على اخبي عن الناس احتضاراتي
لا الناس تعرف ما امري فتعذرني
ولا سبيل لديهم فى مواساتي
يرسو بعينيك حرمان يمص دمي
ويستبيح اذا شاء ابتساماتي
معذورة انت ان اجهضت لى املي
لا الذنب ذنبك بل كانت حماقاتي
اضعت فى عرض الصحراء قافلتي
وجئت ابحث فى عينيك عن ذاتي
وجئت احضانك الخضراء منتشياً
كالطفل احمل احلامي البريئات
غرست كفك تجتثين اوردتي
وتسحقين بلا رفق مسراتي
مضاع هاجرت مدني حسني
وما ابحرت منها شراعاتي
نفيت واستوطن الاغراب فى بلدي
ودمروا كل اشيائى الحبيبات
خانتك عيناك
فى زيف وفى كذب
ام غرك البهرج والخداع مولاتي
فراشة جئت القى كل اجنحتي
لديك فأحترقت ظلماً جناحاتي
اصيح والسيف مزروع بخاصرتي
والغدر حطم آمالي العريضات
وانت ايضاً الا تبت يداك
اذا اثرت قتلي واستعذبت اناتي
من لى بحذف اسمك الشفاف من لغتي
اذن ستسمى بلا ليلى حكاياتي
عيشها كدة زى ما هى
لو هعيط ... فانا هعيط اوى ... بس انا مش هعيط ... عشان حتى العياط مبأش بيريحنى ... و حتى الكتابة ... بقالى كتيير مكتبتش حاجة من جواية بجد لانى مش عايزة افكر... مش عايزة اشوف ولا عايزة احس ولا عايزة اعقل اللى حواليا... عشان متعبش اكترما انا اصلا تعبانة.
ابتلاء الله دائما يكون فيه رحمة ... دايما فى عز الازمة تجيلك رسالة من ربنا تقوللك انا واقف جنبك و معاك و قريب منك و حاسس بيك. حاجة بتديك قوة و تفاؤل فى عز المحنة.
انما النلس فما اقساها ما هقساها ما اقساها... بيوجعوك و انت عامل حسابك ان هما دول مصدر قوتك و ربما سبب فرحتك ... بيوجعوك و وجع قوى على قدر غلو مكانتهم عندك و تواضع مكانتك - ان وجدت - عندهم.
"هتعمل ايه لو قمت يوم و لاقيت اقرب ما ليك فى الدنيا مش حواليك " ... و هو مش حواليك بمحض ارادته و اختياره ... عشان هو شايف ان وجودك فى حياته تماما كعدمه... و ربما عدمه اريح على اية حال
اللى هعمله ... هسكت و هتصدم و مش هستنى حاجة كويسة من حد ... و مش هصدق اى معاملة كويسة ولا هقول على حد طيب...
انا من فترة كنت بقول ان مفيش ناس جديدة هتدخل حياتى ... اللى دخل دخل و خلاص ... المشكلة دلوقتى فى القدام ... هيفضلوا تعبنى كدة لغاية يمتى ؟!!!
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Silence is needed sometimes
Have you ever been told to look to yourself in the mirror, when you feel you don't and you know you'll not be pleased seeing the person that will appear in it?
That's exactly what's happening to me, I am forced to answer the simple question of ... "How things are going?" "Are things getting better?"... And the irony is that people are not convinced with a short answer like "el 7amdu lellah”... They need to listen to more than that... They need more details... Some are really worried and they are hoping for a relieving answer... and others are just curious or maybe they're imagining that they're pressing my talk button...
To all these people who care and who do not... Thanks for asking
And I am not rude when I am saying words like... "Please I dun want to talk "... or "just pray" ... or any silly answer of the like.
I dun want to talk about it, I dun want to realize it... I dun want to see it or hear it... isn't that my right?
I am escaping for a while from the worries and the terrible thoughts in my mind... is that too much?
I appreciate my friends who really understands me and appreciate my rights and just stand silent by my side... ready to listen just if I wanted to talk or if they felt it for they know me well ...
That's exactly what's happening to me, I am forced to answer the simple question of ... "How things are going?" "Are things getting better?"... And the irony is that people are not convinced with a short answer like "el 7amdu lellah”... They need to listen to more than that... They need more details... Some are really worried and they are hoping for a relieving answer... and others are just curious or maybe they're imagining that they're pressing my talk button...
To all these people who care and who do not... Thanks for asking
And I am not rude when I am saying words like... "Please I dun want to talk "... or "just pray" ... or any silly answer of the like.
I dun want to talk about it, I dun want to realize it... I dun want to see it or hear it... isn't that my right?
I am escaping for a while from the worries and the terrible thoughts in my mind... is that too much?
I appreciate my friends who really understands me and appreciate my rights and just stand silent by my side... ready to listen just if I wanted to talk or if they felt it for they know me well ...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My dear God .. I really need you .. I need your support .. I have faith in you, I trust in you .. I know you're close, merciful and is observing and do everything for a reason.
But, Please God .. mercy our human nature .. mercy our weakness.
I dun need to speak... you know it all ... you know what I am feeling and what I am hoping for.
I am afraid of being desperate .. please God dun let me be so.
I am sure of your coming blessings .. But I just want them now ... Please God..
I need to have a peace of mind.. I need to rest comfortable .. I dun want to be worried .. and I dun want to be confused or hesitated .. I am tired of fear, worry and all the things you know we have been passing through.
Please God take our hands and rescue us ...
Sunday, August 08, 2010
My Dear Sister ... I Love U :))

I love you as you are because you also accept me as I am...
I love being your sister ... I am blessed with such a kind hearted sister ... and I am thankful for that bless. Although we quarrel a lot :)) but even these things I love as well.
I really wish you all the good things, because when u're blessed and happy .. I feel the same as you and even more ... and when you're down .. I feel it worse and I am deadly worried about you.
May this year carry to U and accordingly to me all the peace of mind, Mercy from God ... Satisfaction, success and dreams turning into reality AMEEN (F)
P.S: I am writing this ... because I wanted to tell you that I care to show you my feelings in every way I have. And to tell you that you are loved. And to tell you that you're making a BIG and HUGE and Beautiful difference in our life.
And why especially this year :)) because I am turning into a mature girl now ... that learnt to appreciate every feeling she has and learnt the importance of expressing it. And learnt that this is the least thing we can do to the people we love ... is to show them what do they really mean to US
Simple things
Simple things are what really matter ... and I just find my mood is very affected by these simple things all the time.
I am grateful for the simple thing of the day :) it made me happy :))
I am grateful for the simple thing of the day :) it made me happy :))
Friday, August 06, 2010
Nothing Specefic =)
Other than any Post, I've posted here. I am just writing now with nothing specfic in mind. I just felt that I missed my blog, I felt it has been too long since I've posted anything here .. although I have more than a draft... but just was not completed... and their feelings are gone now.. so they'll not be completed .. at least at the time being.
Briefing on the previous period .. the last 4 months .. I've been passing through very hard and tough time as my dear father was seriously ill... but thanks god ... hopefully things are getting stable ISA.
I saw some of my friends today .. and that made a difference el 7amdu lellah .. I really missed them a lot and is still missing the others... but unfortunately =( some dun excuse me for not being able to go out and meet them.
Ramadan is approaching, it's less than a week and we'll be there iSA ... ALLAHOMA bale3'na Ramadan and Laylat el Kadr ISA.
But I still can't feel the spirit of Ramadan... I hope I can be spiritually connected soon and deeply.
Waiting for salat el taraweee7 :))
Briefing on the previous period .. the last 4 months .. I've been passing through very hard and tough time as my dear father was seriously ill... but thanks god ... hopefully things are getting stable ISA.
I saw some of my friends today .. and that made a difference el 7amdu lellah .. I really missed them a lot and is still missing the others... but unfortunately =( some dun excuse me for not being able to go out and meet them.
Ramadan is approaching, it's less than a week and we'll be there iSA ... ALLAHOMA bale3'na Ramadan and Laylat el Kadr ISA.
But I still can't feel the spirit of Ramadan... I hope I can be spiritually connected soon and deeply.
Waiting for salat el taraweee7 :))
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