Tuesday, April 22, 2008

UnFoRgEtTaBlE Whens

When we're interested in someone, we begin focusing on the very small details of our contact, the conversations, the minutes we're together even if we were silent. We begin recording those precious moments in our mind. and begin recalling them with their finest details and very accurately every now and then, just to retain those feelings of the real time we had together.
Even if what we recalled was not a happy memory, it's just precious enough because it connects us in a way with the people we care for.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dream Control

I wish I had one; to control what makes me happy, and mute those dreams that unfilfilling them makes me feel that bad, especiallay when I've nothing to do with fulfilling them.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Others

The Others are playing a very Important Role in our life. The Others are the people whom we care for, we fear, hate, respect, follow or avoid. But we are directed by the OTHERS, they may get the worst out of us, may let us discover the real Human we are, and complete the missing puzzle of ourselves and in times put the pieces of that puzzle in good order, to make a better picture.

The point that's annoying me is when I lose control of a relationship, I approach when the OTHERS only want the relationship to go on, and withdraw myself from their lives when they just are not showing their interest. Although the true feelings are always there, but the bond at some times very loose, and at times too tight. I am just tired of the extremes.

It's just that we can't live without the "Others"