Friday, November 24, 2006


سئمت لا أقول سئمت الحياة و لكنى سئمت حياتى
لا لن أقول بغضت الحياة و لكنى بغضت حياتى

آلعيب فى أم فى من حولى؟ و لكنى سأجزم أن العيب ليس فى وحدى
الدمع يقف حائرا فى مقلتى لائما كل من حولى جميعا
نعم فلم يعد لى حميما وما معنى الحياة إذا سرت وحيدة
أنظر إلى سماؤك يا ربى و أرى الغيوم كأنها دموعا
دموعا تهطل أمطارا و سيولا بكاءا على من تراهم السماء حيارى
و أسمع صوت هواؤك يبكى من أجل كل نفس محترق من الحزن و الأسى
و استشعر الجبال قد أقسمت على أن لا تنبت زهرا لكى لا يذبل حزنا
قد خشى الجبل على الزهور و استهان الناس بالقلوب
قلوب تدمى حزنا و أسى
حزنا علي ماض قد انقضى
و أسى على حاضر يتبدد هباءا
كفى يا سماء عن البكاء و كفى غيوما فبغير نورك
لا نستطيع الحياة
و اسمحى يا جبال بأن تعيش فوق ظهرك الزهور
عسى أن تبقى زهرة تسعد قلب من قلوب الحزانى
و يا هواء صبرا فإن النفوس غدا سوف تبرد
و تلطف نسيمك برضاها
فإن الحياة زهور و أحزان
لقاءا و وداع
حبا و شقاءا
فرحا و الماّ
عجيبة هى الحياة و رغم ذلك نحياها

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Feelings...Feelings and Feelings Again :'(

Yesterday, was a day that I've been dreaming with, since I have been in college. The day that I go to that company and pass through the interviews successfully.

The couple of days before yesterday, I've made a lot of prayers and asked people to pray that I would be accepted and join that comapny, and what made me very sticky is that I was very upset from my current job.

Anyways, Yesterday I went to the company and went through the recruitement process, there were a lot of people there waiting to be interviewed, I was a little worried when I saw this large number, but had a faith in God that He would help me, and to my astonishment, I found myself passing from an interview to the other and when entering each I was feeling that this would be the last and I won't pass to the next till I found myself in the last one Hearing "Congrats", and took the offer.

I was veryyyyyyyy happy then, but in my way back home, I passed by my current company an remembered that these few coming days would be the End of my days in that comapny, which although I was really upset from and suffering from its management but I LOVE IT, yes I do :S, then my feelings began to go to the other extreme and became very sad for the thought of leaving the company, the people and everything there that I love deeply :'( , really deeply.

Then arriving home, I called my friend sue and told here that I've been accepted there, she was GREATLYYY affected by these news, and she ended the call immediately excusing me and telling me that she's not able to talk anymore. Then I called my friend DODO, in hope that she would be in a better status and would react in a way that may lift my mood up. But, her reaction wasn't better than that of Sue by any mean, and she kept saying, "is it sure?" and also ended the call immediately.

After these 2 phone calls that mode that began when I passed by the compay's premises became more and more stronger, but I was shy from God to be sad and cry instead of thanking him for his help and support to me, I felt a very strange feeling that I didn't experience before, I felt as if my heart was divided into 2 zones, one that is happy for what God have given me and the other is very sad for my departure.

I was in a very strange bad mood, I called a friend of us that was with us in the company but left from about 5 or 6 months and told her everything, on hearingher voice in the phone I burst into tears, at the beginig she thought that I was rejected in the interview, but when she heard the complete story from me she tried her best to calm me down, and she succeded partially, but still I wasn't ok, I sent a msg to Sue, and DODO just saying "Sorry", I couldn't tell more than that, then I recieved a call from DODO, she was partially fine at the beginig of the call, then we ended the call each of us crying.

And today at work also, it was a day full of ups and downs in our moods, but generally, it was better than I was expecting thank God.

I am really, going to miss my friends, colleagues, team, Really I am going to miss them all...I can't imagine not saluting them in the early morning and the chit chats, that we used to have through the day, praying with each others, taking the break, sitting in the balacon together, making the Nescafe, and also walking to the main street from the company every day.... I will miss that all, I will miss them deeply, I will miss even those that we are not close friends, as I am used to the combination of people, I will miss the combination, listening to that voice and hearing that laugh, seeing those intimates walking or laughing together, all that all that will be missed a lot.
I love u ALL, I am gonna miss u ALL. :'(

I still have a lot inside, but it's just that I can't complete now......