- “Only when your values and your activities are congruent do you feel happy and at peace with yourself”--- A saying that I am totally agreeing with
- “The formula revolves around a concept of time management, or what you might want to call life management.”---It may have been in my mind, but the image became very clear; that with managing the time we are not utilizing our hours in an efficient way just to meet a deadline of something or to be able to do all or most of the things we wish to do, but day by day it will add up our whole life, after X year of managing our hours, weeks, months and years we will have a life that if full of many achievements not necessary achievements like winning the Nobel Prize, or being a minister or whatever people consider it a standard of success, but at least we will have been doing all the things we thought and believed they were important and put them on the highest priority and choose them from among many things to do. These achievements may be just from painting a set of tableaux that were never been to an exhibition or even seen by a great painter who stated that these paintings have some value, even if they are nothing but just a way to give their painter some joy and a way to express himself even to himself. I think that a woman or a man who well managed their life if they didn’t get the fame and didn’t pass the success standards that people have set at least they will die happy as they spent their time which is their lives in something they enjoyed doing if it was hard.
- “The setting of posteriorities is often overlooked.” This was also one another point that I benefited from reading this book, as I always when the idea of managing my time comes to mind the first thing that jumps to my mind is getting a piece of paper and begin writing the things that I wish to do whether are they are a job that I have to finish or an activity that I like very much and in a bad need for it to bring joy to myself and then begin giving priorities to each and scheduling the time in which I am supposed to do these things in. But after reading the above quoted sentence I’ve discovered that I would be able to do more things that I like and find some more free hours in my day, if I observed my daily routine and on this same piece of paper I began to write the unimportant things that I do that are of no value and they are taking my time just as a kind of habit, and then stop wasting my time on them and put in that free time things that are more important or that make me more happy doing them.
- “Most people are so busy rushing back and forth that they seldom take the time to think seriously about who they are and why they are doing what they are doing”
- “To be successful at your job, you must work fast and efficiently and nonstop all the time you are on the payroll”. I believe that this is what a successful machine would likely be supposed to do. But Humans MUST have breaks to perform better, also they must socialize with people around them, colleagues, managers or subordinates, or else they will not be happy and that would affect negatively on their work. Employees are humans who have emotions that is not an On/Off switch they switch it off when they come to work and back on when they finish, they must have mutual sympathy and support with their mates. On the other hand when they are capable of giving, they might be over giving, even their 1 hour of work may be productive in multiple of times compared with Machine-Like Humans who work their full time and nonstop. But I am sure not saying that we are coming work just to have friends and socialize and so, but all what I say is that we must respect our Human Nature.
- “When parents don’t spend a lot of time with their children individually, they send a message to their children that they are not very valuable or important”. I believe that this type of messages are not only send to children from their parents, but are sent to any of the parties of a relationship being Parent-Child, Friendship, Manager-Subordinate, Love or whatever, I believe that relationships must be maintained by giving them enough time to breath, this breath is that the one feels the care of the other, (s)he has given me a time from their precious lives, made me the first priority than any other thing they could have been doing on these moments they are sharing with me. Ignoring is a very bad feeling one feels even if the other character didn’t intend it when they lack the time to sit with each others and speak, as words are not only exchanged in a conversation, but I feel it like a wave is coming and going between the 2 spirits which is very healthy to the relation.