Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My dear God .. I really need you .. I need your support .. I have faith in you, I trust in you .. I know you're close, merciful and is observing and do everything for a reason.

But, Please God .. mercy our human nature .. mercy our weakness.
I dun need to speak... you know it all ... you know what I am feeling and what I am hoping for.
I am afraid of being desperate .. please God dun let me be so.
I am sure of your coming blessings .. But I just want them now ... Please God..
I need to have a peace of mind.. I need to rest comfortable .. I dun want to be worried .. and I dun want to be confused or hesitated .. I am tired of fear, worry and all the things you know we have been passing through.
Please God take our hands and rescue us ...

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