Friday, August 06, 2010

Nothing Specefic =)

Other than any Post, I've posted here. I am just writing now with nothing specfic in mind. I just felt that I missed my blog, I felt it has been too long since I've posted anything here .. although I have more than a draft... but just was not completed... and  their feelings are gone now.. so they'll not be completed .. at least at the time being.
Briefing on the previous period .. the last 4 months .. I've been passing through very hard and tough time as my dear father was seriously ill... but thanks god ... hopefully things are getting stable ISA.

I saw some of my friends today .. and that made a difference el 7amdu lellah .. I really missed them a lot and is still missing the others... but unfortunately =( some dun excuse me for not being able to go out and meet them.

Ramadan is approaching, it's less than a week and we'll be there iSA ... ALLAHOMA bale3'na Ramadan and Laylat el Kadr ISA. 
But I still can't feel the spirit of Ramadan... I hope I can be spiritually connected soon and deeply.
Waiting for salat el taraweee7 :))

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