Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's all about hope

New year ... why is it that remarkable ?!!! I had a thought today .. that this year called 2009 that all people are judging these days, is just a part of me, a part of my life time in this world, experiences that are gone, and may never come again, but will leave their effects whether consciously or not.
2009 or whatever the name was, is just a grouping for some days in my life. I may choose to go with all people, and make my new start at this day, or just in any other time I would choose.
And most probably, I would choose the day I was born on from every year for that new start and self evaluation.
2009 is not good or bad, same is for: 2010, 2011, 20** ! It's just a part of my journey in this world, carrying a collection of events, fate, successes failures, that will sum up to make the person I am to be by the end of my life.
And by every year I am coming closer to the person I was meant to be in this life.
Just, we're trying to take a happy path, to end a peaceful end.

It's all about hope, hoping that the coming part of our lives are better.
Happy New Portion of Our Lives =)


Rain said...

Agree with you Turtle :)

What's all the fuss around it anyway?? To me it's just a change of that date ,although it's good to write 2010 looks better (see how deep and insightful I am ) I only like this time of the year because it's winter ;)

Best wishes to you (F)

Colourless_Turtle said...

I agree :D same point here .. I like how 2010 looks and when people say 3eshreeen 3ashara.

Best wishes for u tOo sweetest raiN (F)